Return & Exchange Policy

At Luxury Cheaper Hub (LCH), we strive to provide the highest quality replica products, including handbags, watches, and more. Before shipping any item, we send you a video of the product to confirm its appearance and quality.

Due to our process and shipping logistics, we do not accept returns or exchanges unless the mistake is on our part.

1. No Returns or Exchanges

  • All Sales Are Final: Once the product has been shipped, we do not accept returns or exchanges. Since we ship from China, handling returns is not feasible.
  • Product Quality: We stand behind the quality of our products and ensure that they are the highest quality available in the market. We do not deal in low-quality items, and we show you the product before shipping it to guarantee your satisfaction.

2. Exceptions for LCH Mistakes

If we made an error with your order (such as sending the wrong product or size), we will take full responsibility to resolve the issue. In such cases:

  • Contact Us Immediately: If you receive the wrong product, notify us as soon as possible. (within 7 days of receipt)
  • We Will Correct Our Mistake: We will arrange a replacement or a suitable resolution if it is determined that we made a mistake.

3. Product Video Confirmation

Before shipping any product, we send a video showing the exact item, ensuring that you have a clear view of what you are receiving. This way, there are no surprises when the item arrives.

4. Contact Us

If you believe there has been an issue with your order or if we made a mistake, please reach out to us at: